Nebraska First Responder FAQs

Beginning in Fall 2023, eligible Nebraska resident law enforcement officers, professional firefighters, and their legal dependent children may apply for a tuition waiver from the University of Nebraska pursuant to the terms of the Nebraska First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act of 2023. Those who qualify may receive a credit of up to full resident tuition charges after subtracting other scholarships and grants for applicable fall, spring, or summer terms.

An application for the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is available for students to apply for the First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act waiver. Contact Husker Hub at or at 402-472-2030 to apply. Applications and supporting documents will be accepted through the last date of the semester for consideration in that semester.

View information about the National First Responder Pledge for out-of-state students.

Note: This FAQ is subject to change with little or no notice in response to Nebraska law. The information provided to you in this document is as accurate and up to date as possible given current understandings of the law. Nothing in this FAQ should be taken as legal or financial advice and is provided to you for your convenience only in determining eligibility and a desire to apply for the First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act waiver. If you have any legal or tax questions, please reach out to a personal attorney or tax advisor for how this may affect you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Qualifying for the Nebraska First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act

How do I qualify for the First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act as a First Responder? (Updated 8/28/23)

If you meet the following criteria, you will be entitled to a waiver of one hundred percent of resident tuition.

  • Professional Firefighter or Firefighter-Paramedic, which is defined as a resident of Nebraska who is a member of a paid fire department of a municipality, rural or suburban fire protection district in the state and for whom firefighting is a full-time career; or
  • Professional Law Enforcement Officer, which is defined as any resident of Nebraska who is responsible for the prevention or detection of crime or enforcement of the penal, traffic or highway laws of the State of Nebraska or any political subdivision of the state for more than 100 hours per year and who is authorized by law to make arrests.
  • Maintains satisfactory performance with their law enforcement agency or fire department.
  • Meets all admission standards of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska according to Regents Policy 5.2.1 and has been admitted.
  • Submits an application form to determine eligibility.
  • Files documentation with the Nebraska Department of Revenue showing proof of employment and proof of residence in Nebraska each year the waiver is applied for.
  • Pursues a degree that is eligible for the waiver per statute.
How do I qualify for the First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act as a full-time student dependent of a First Responder? (8/18/23)

If you meet the following criteria, you will be entitled to a waiver of up to one hundred percent of resident tuition.

  • Legal dependent of a professional law enforcement officer, professional firefighter or firefighter-paramedic who is a resident of Nebraska and maintains satisfactory performance within their law enforcement agency or fire department.
  • Meets all admission standards of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska according to Regents Policy 5.2.1 and has been admitted.
  • Submits an application form to determine eligibility.
  • Parent or Guardian files documentation with the Nebraska Department of Revenue showing proof of employment and proof of residence in Nebraska each year the waiver is applied for.
  • Signs an agreement attesting that they understand they are required to stay in the State of Nebraska and file proper state tax returns for a minimum of 5 years after they receive each waiver.
When does the Nebraska First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act take effect? (8/18/23)

The Act takes effect on September 2, 2023 and applies to both returning and new undergraduate students at the University of Nebraska System. Students may begin the application process on September 2, 2023.

Who is considered a dependent for the purposes of the Nebraska First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act? (8/18/23)

The definition of a dependent, for the purposes of the First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act, is a student who has a valid Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Form submitted that lists the first responder, firefighter or firefighter-paramedic as their parent or guardian each academic year. Students are required to fill out the FAFSA Form annually to be eligible for the waiver program.

Do Federal Law Enforcement Officers in the State of Nebraska qualify? (8/18/23)

No. Officers of the FBI, DEA, or other Federal Law Enforcement Officers are not eligible for the waiver.

How long am I eligible for the Nebraska First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act waiver? (8/18/23)

Professional law enforcement officers, firefighters, firefighter-paramedics and their dependents are each eligible for the tuition waiver for up to five years so long as they remain eligible to receive the waiver.

Am I eligible for the waiver as a graduate student? (8/18/23)

No. Only undergraduate degrees are eligible under the Nebraska First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act.

Can I utilize the waiver for multiple undergraduate degrees? (8/18/23)

As long as it is within the initial 5-year time period and the student has not graduated, a student may pursue multiple undergraduate degrees using this waiver.

What happens if a dependent who benefits from the Nebraska First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act leaves the State of Nebraska after graduating from the institution? (8/18/23)

If the tuition waiver recipient fails to annually file a tax return to prove residency in the State of Nebraska for the five-year period following the use of the tuition waiver or fails to remain a resident for the five-year period following the use of the tuition waiver, the recipient agrees to repay the University of Nebraska System for the amount of tuition that was waived.

Can I apply the waiver program to the credit hours I have already completed? (8/18/23)

No. The Nebraska First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act only applies to future credit hours.

What are the program or degree requirements for Nebraska First Responders? (9/11/23)

A professional law enforcement officer must pursue studies leading to a degree that relates to a career in law enforcement. A professional firefighter or firefighter-paramedic must pursue studies leading to a degree in science or medicine that relates to a career in professional firefighting. 

List of eligible majors for law enforcement include:

  • Forensic Science BS
  • Fisheries and Wildlife BS
  • Political Science BA/BS
  • Psychology BA/BS
  • History BA/BS
  • Philosophy BA/BS
  • Sociology BA/BS
  • Anthropology BA/BS
  • Global Studies BA/BS
  • Spanish BA/BS
  • Journalism BJ
  • Advertising/Public Relations BJ
  • Nutrition and Health Sciences BSEH
  • Communication Sciences and Disorders BSEH

List of eligible majors for firefighters or firefighter-paramedics include:

  • Biology BA/BS
  • Chemistry BA/BS
  • Biochemistry BS/BSBC
  • Microbiology BS
  • Nutrition and Health Sciences BSEH
  • Communication Sciences and Disorders BSEH
Will I be able to leave the state for graduate or professional schooling? (8/18/23)

Students must remain in the State of Nebraska for at least 5 years after taking advantage of the waiver. There are no exceptions that would allow someone to leave the state.

What if I only receive funds for one year. Do I still have to stay in the state for five years? (8/18/23)

No matter how long you receive the tuition waiver, you agree to remain in the State of Nebraska for the five-year period following the use of the tuition waiver. For more information, see Neb. Rev. Stat. § 85-2605.

Can out-of-state students qualify for the tuition waiver? (Updated 8/28/23)

Determinations of residency for in-state tuition eligibility are made independently of the Department of Revenue's verification process related to first responders. Students who qualify for the tuition waiver based on one parent or guardian's status as a first responder may still be deemed to be out-of-state students for residency purposes. For more information, please see Regents Policy 5.7.1. Students who are considered out-of-state students for tuition purposes will not be able to adjust to in-state residency for tuition purposes unless otherwise eligible to do so based on already existing University policies. Regardless of your residency status for tuition purposes, you will still be responsible for establishing Nebraska residency and filing Nebraska income taxes for the five years following the use of the tuition waiver.

Continuing to Qualify

If I take longer than four years to graduate, will I still be eligible for waiver funding? (8/18/23)

The Nebraska First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act allows for individuals to have their tuition waived for up to five years. The five years of tuition waiver eligibility starts once you receives the tuition waiver for the first time and is available for the next consecutive five years.

Do I need to reapply each year for the Nebraska First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act? (8/18/23)

First responders who have previously qualified for the tuition waver will still need to file documentation with the Nebraska Department of Revenue showing proof of employment and proof of residence in Nebraska each year the waiver is applied for. First responders will also need to file annually for their dependent to receive the tuition waiver. Dependents of the first responder will need to fill out the FAFSA form annually to remain eligible.

Tax Implications

Are there any tax implications based on my accepting this tuition waiver? (8/18/23)

Although the University of Nebraska considers this waiver to be tuition remission, based on the additional requirements attached to this waiver and potential ongoing obligations, the IRS may view this as taxable income when you initially receive the waiver and/or potentially later depending on whether you remain in the State for five years or not. The University cannot provide tax advice. Please seek guidance from your tax advisor if you have any questions regarding how this waiver may affect you.

Application Questions

I am interested in applying to the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis. Will the waiver apply to me? (8/18/23)

Yes. Individuals who would like to attend NCTA—a two-year technical college within the University of Nebraska System, with programs focused on agriculture and veterinary technology—are eligible if they meet the requirements. Please contact the NCTA financial aid office for more details.

Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture
Office of Financial Aid

I am interested in applying to the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Will the waiver apply to me? (8/18/23)

Undergraduate students who are seeking their bachelor's degree and are eligible under the requirements of the statute are eligible for the waiver regardless of their UNMC campus location. There are several undergraduate degree options available at UNMC, including nursing, dental hygiene and several allied health fields. Graduate and professional students are not eligible for the waiver program. Please contact the UNMC financial aid office for more details.

University of Nebraska Medical Center
Office of Financial Aid

What the Nebraska First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act Covers

What makes up my waiver under the Nebraska First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act? (8/18/23)

The University of Nebraska System will waive one hundred percent of the first responder or dependent's tuition remaining after subtracting awarded federal financial aid grants, state grants and scholarships received during the time of enrollment. University scholarships also contribute toward meeting your one hundred percent tuition waiver, including merit-based, college or departmental scholarships, and University of Nebraska Foundation scholarships. There is not a line item called the “First Responder Recruitment and Retention Act” that will appear on your financial aid package. Instead, the tuition waiver is a promise that these programs combined will cover your tuition each semester for up to 15 credit hours.

Why am I still charged tuition if I qualify for the tuition waiver program? (8/18/23)

All students have tuition charges assessed to their university student billing account. Recipients of the tuition waiver will still see tuition charges assessed on their account. The tuition waiver is a promise program that guarantees enough scholarships and grants to cover tuition charges for students who qualify. The waiver fulfills actual tuition charges for up to 15 credit hours per spring/fall semester and up to 6 credit hours in the summer.

Does the waiver program cover additional expenses outside of tuition? (8/18/23)

Although the waiver will cover the cost of tuition, it does not mean that a university education will be entirely free from cost. Students will still need to cover costs for fees, books or room and board. Fortunately, the waiver is just one of many financial aid options available for students. For more details regarding other financial aid options, contact Husker Hub.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Form

Why should I fill out the FAFSA Form? (8/18/23)

The FAFSA stands for “Free Application for Federal Student Aid.” It determines a student’s eligibility for need-based federal financial aid for college, which may include grants, scholarships, work-study and loans. If you don’t fill out the FAFSA Form, you are likely leaving money on the table that you may have qualified for. Every year, the U.S. Department of Education gives over $120 billion in federal grants, loans and work-study funds to more than 13 million college students, making it the largest provider of student financial aid in the country. About two-thirds of all full-time undergraduate college students receive grant aid, or money you don’t have to repay. Dependents must complete the FAFSA Form annually to remain eligible for the tuition waiver program.

When does the FAFSA Form need to be completed and filed? (8/18/23)

The FAFSA Form priority application deadline for the 2025-26 academic year is May 1.

What happens after I fill out the FAFSA Form? (8/18/23)

After you complete the FAFSA Form, you will receive a FAFSA Submission Summary which will tell you if you’re eligible for the Federal Pell Grant and the provide you with your Student Aid Index number.