Unique Programs of Study or Enrollment

Intercampus & Joint Registration

Students who will be jointly registered at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO), the University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK), the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture (NCTA), or the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln will be funded by the institution at which they are are pursuing a degree. Courses taken at all institutions must be required for the degree at the funding institution. Students considering intercampus enrollment who have federal financial aid should check with Husker Hub prior to enrolling.

Non-Degree Graduate Program

To be eligible for financial aid consideration, students must usually be admitted into a degree program. Non-degree graduate students enrolled only in undergraduate courses as determined to be necessary by the school for enrollment in a graduate degree program may be eligible for Federal Direct Student Loan Program loans at a fifth year loan limit for twelve consecutive months. Contact the OSFA for an enrollment verification form and an instruction sheet. Your financial aid application will not be processed until this form is received. Financial aid will be based on undergraduate enrollment requirements.

Study Abroad

If you are interested in studying abroad, you should first meet with a Global Experiences advisor in Louise Pound Hall, Room 130. Only University-approved study abroad programs qualify for financial aid. Financial aid awarded to you will be released to the student account by the first day of the term/session in which you are enrolled or by the start date of your experience abroad, whichever is later. Most, but not all, scholarship and financial aid programs can be used for study abroad. We encourage you to meet with a student services specialist in Husker Hub for all of the necessary financial aid steps to prepare for study abroad.

Second Undergraduate Degree

A student working on a second undergraduate degree may be eligible for the Federal Work-Study, or Federal Direct Student Loan Programs provided the Undergraduate Admissions Office has granted approval for a second undergraduate degree. Undergraduate satisfactory academic progress requirements still apply and may result in the student being ineligible for financial assistance.

Consortium Agreements

A consortium is an agreement between two institutions which enables a student to receive financial aid through their degree-granting (home) institution while taking coursework at a host institution. The following situations will be considered for consortium agreements:

  • The student needs to take a course not offered by UNL to meet a UNL degree requirement; or
  • The student needs to take a course necessary to graduate on time, but the course is not offered (or is full) in the needed term at UNL.

To apply for a consortium, contact the Husker Hub for the initial application. Once the application is received, the OSFA will contact the student’s host institution to process the request. 

Note: consortium hours do not count toward UNL full-time status for scholarship requirements and host institutions are not required to enter into a consortium agreement. Consortiums will not be approved if your reasoning is you like the instructor better elsewhere, the course is easier elsewhere, or because the tuition is lower elsewhere.

Accelerated Programs

Accelerated programs encourage highly qualified undergraduate students to continue their graduate or professional studies by connecting advanced undergraduate coursework with graduate coursework to accelerate the completion of a graduate degree while completing an undergraduate degree. Visit the Accelerated Programs page for information about accelerated programs and how it impacts scholarships and financial aid.

Teacher Certification Program

Students enrolled in a Teacher Certification Program (bachelor's degree previously received) are awarded financial aid at undergraduate levels based on undergraduate enrollment requirements.