Transfer Husker Salute Guidelines for 2022-2023

For Academic Year: 
2022 - 2023

The Husker Salute Pledge is in recognition of your military affiliation and our highest regard for your success at Nebraska. 

The Husker Salute Pledge is a waiver of the non-resident portion of tuition per year toward the cost of UNL undergraduate non-resident tuition charges for up to three or four years, including summer sessions, or the completion of a bachelor's degree, whichever comes first.

1Recipients must remain non-residents of Nebraska. Any individual who establishes residency for the purpose of paying in-state tuition rates will automatically forfeit the Husker Salute Pledge. The Husker Salute Pledge is specifically to offset non-resident charges and if non-resident charges are no longer assessed, there is no need for the Husker Salute Pledge.
2Husker Salute recipients must enroll full-time (at least 12 UNL credit hours) during each semester of the academic year (fall and spring semesters) in order to receive the benefit. These hours must be officially registered by the sixth day of classes each semester.
3Attending summer sessions is not required for renewal of Husker Salute, although it can be applied in the summer if a student is meeting renewal criteria. Summer sessions included are up to two or three inclusive summer sessions, meaning the summer award can begin for you the summer after your first fall or spring semester.
4Recipients must successfully complete 24 UNL credit hours each academic year (fall and spring semesters). Successful completion is defined as the sum of all UNL credit hours completed with a grade of A through D- or Pass (P). Grades of I, N, W, F, and NR are not considered successfully completed. Repeated courses will only count once and must be registered for consecutive semesters (i.e., full-time by sixth day of classes each semester).
5Recipients must remain in good academic standing with the University, which requires maintaining satisfactory academic progress towards a degree and a 2.000 cumulative grade point average, measured at the end of every spring semester. The University computes grade point averages to three decimal places and does not round.
6Husker Salute will be discontinued if the recipient withdraws from school or fails to register for consecutive academic year semesters, unless an exception is granted because of extenuating circumstances. Withdrawing completely or dropping below full-time during the refund period will cause the pledge to be recalculated to continue to only cover the nonresident portion of tuition. Students who have been called to duty while in school can submit a Leave of Absence request in advance in order to continue the Husker Salute upon their return.
7Husker Salute is not stackable with other nonresident tuition remission awards, but can be stacked with funded awards from your college or department. Recipients cannot combine this award with the benefits of any tuition reciprocity agreement with another state or with any other federal, state or University program where the benefit is the payment of nonresident tuition (in full or part).
8Husker Salute cannot be used to pay for non-credit courses or non-term specific correspondence courses.
9For global experience programs, Husker Salute may be applied toward UNL course credit (if non-resident UNL tuition is charged). Husker Salute cannot be applied toward course credit that will be transferred from another institution. Students may apply for a variety of scholarships specific to global experience programs. Learn more.
10Husker Salute may be supported through the generosity of donors. If such is the case, you may be required to complete a thank you note.
11If you were awarded the Husker Salute Pledge based on your involvement with ROTC, you must remain active in the ROTC program at UNL as a requirement for continuation of the pledge.

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